(402) 388-4945
FAX: (402) 388-4955
88786 Highway 81
Fordyce, NE 68736
We are honored to be a part of the communities that we serve and to protect the farm way of life for future generations.
Emergency Relief Program (ERP) 2022 Track 2 Expected Revenue Worksheet
The ERP Program is an FSA program. It is not a crop insurance program.
SKCI due to recent demands is providing some hints & tips on completion of the ERP Track 2 worksheet. (The actual vs expected method, which is one of two options).
ERP Track 2 is complex and open to interpretation. Each FSA may have a different process for gathering information. Before you begin this process, check with your local FSA regarding ERP phase 2 requirements.
The information provided is in no way a substitute for the information or assistance provided by a qualified FSA representative or the rules and regulation of the FSA.
By clicking on the icon “TIPS”, you alone are held liable/accountable for information provided to any Farm Service Agency or other agency on your behalf. Furthermore, you agree that the tips provided are not a substitute for the knowledge and experience of a qualified FSA representative.
** Providing your financials is the first part of submission to the program. The FSA completes the additional portion. All verification of numbers and revenue revert back to the producer.
Margin Protection Video Refresher
Farmer Tips
This is a farmer to farmer share area for tips and tricks. Call SKCI to add to the conversation:
** When signing up for the bale hauling program at FSA, claim an extra 10% if you list your spouses name.--Called in 2/1/23
**There is a lot of white mold out there. There is talk about an organic peroxide 5.2 SaniDate through the irrigation system but it is more for future outbreaks because it is too late now. Let us know if you are having any success in your fields! 8/22/23
** SMV (slow moving vehicle) triangles expire. Make sure that yours are not only visible but reflect light in the dark! Now is a great time to check that all your warning lights work also--it can save you a lot of headaches in the event of an accident!!!! 4/30/24